Saturday, October 17, 2009

Glenbow Museum Trip

Today I went to the Glenbow Museum to see the new exhibition by Ron Mueck and Guy Ben-Ner, and do some sketch for the empty sketch book. And I've been in Calgary for 6 years and I've never been to the Museum!0 0 So I went! The hyper-realistic sculprue poster is everywhere in Calgary now =) here is the link:

this is a huge new-born baby sculpture, which express her energy of life

the back of the baby, got very pretty lines

mouth practice

This is a really small sculpture about a near-dead woman,
the diminutive scale emphasize her weakness and helplessness

When I came out from the museum I saw a huge group of zombies walking down on the 8th ave XD

Here they come!

this reminds me the zombies in the "Plant VS Zombie" game! XD (It's a good game!)

acrossing the street... it's funny to see they are waiting for the lights XD

"I'm dead Jim"

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